Deep Grounded Calm through the Psychic Anatomy of Your Still Point

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You can bring yourself into a deep, grounded calm by bringing your attention into your Still Point. An aspect of your psychic anatomy, your Still Point brings you into a robust calm; you can think clearly, feel full of energy and are uplifted. In this 8 minute video, Colby Wilk, Psychic, Embodiment and Theta Healer…

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Soul String: Psychic Anatomy to Find Purpose and Well Being

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Tangibly experience what is is like to be more connected to your Soul Body by learning to direct your psychic anatomy. Colby walks you through a simple, powerful practice to help you connect to the largest part of you. Find greater purpose and well being by being more intimately connected to your truest self.

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Physically Heal through Theta Healing!

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Sometimes what is at the root of healing is surprising. It is all about making what is not conscious conscious.  Enlightenment is an inside job!Watch client concerned about cancer get to the core issues keeping her from healing. Spiritual, Theta and Energy healing can go right to the center of an issue quickly and effectively.…

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What is a Theta Healing Course like with Colby Wilk

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Students of Colby Wilk, Theta Healer, share the experience of learning Theta Healing.  Students experience relief from pain, emotional and physical, by learning how to access their highest self through a simple mediation.  Students of theta healing learn to dig to the bottom of a core issue to release unfelt feelings, karma and other’s energy.  

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What is Advanced Theta Healing like w/ Colby Wilk?

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Students of Colby Wilk’s Advanced Theta Healing Course share their powerful experience perfecting their skills as theta healers.  Receive thousands of  downloads and learn to dig to the bottom of an issue even faster.  Immediate change is possible through Theta Healing.

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How to Survive Kundalini

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Many people try to raise their Kundalini through yoga, mediation and fasting.  There are whole schools of thought about how to prepare the body and energetic field so that when it happens the rise of energy through the body and out the crown moves smoothly. But many people have spontaneous rises.. they were not trying…

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What do to do when nothing seems to be happing for you.

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What do to do when nothing seems to be happing for you. Just cause nothing seems to be happening, does not mean that nothing is not happening. We tend to only thank God when something new comes into our lives.  A new job, a new lover, etc.  But God is always working for us, even…

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How Do You Know Your Own Knowing?

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How do you know your own knowing?  How do you increase your intuitive powers?  How do you open to your intuitive gift? There are a lot of people out there who want to feel more connected with their guides, angels or whatever. They want to know that what they are doing is the right path.…

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When we participate with anything we tether to it.  Think of tethering as sending an umbilical cord to what you have  your attention on.  And just like an unbilical we absorb information and energy.  Its how we connect! Its how our system works. Consider, when we watch a movie we tether.  When we hang with a…

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What is My Karma? Discover What You Are Here to Address

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You may be asking: “What is my karma?”   What you are hear to address is hidden in your parent’s complaint. My mom was sure something was right around the corner preparing to frustrate her or disappoint her.  My mother would repeatedly say: “It’s always something. If its not one thing it is something else.” My…

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