Take the journey of spiritual awakening with Colby Wilk

Get unstuck

Many folks are dumbfounded, perplexed by and frozen in their careers, relationships and health.

Due to trauma, in this life or another, a part of one may have become disconnected. A sense of “not being complete” may be evidence of the loss. Creating an energetic matrix, and calling back this part and integrating it within the client, may assist a person to gain a sense of being more whole and grounded.

Or, clearing “stuckness” may be about teaching a person on a cellular and energetic level that it is safe to have what they want. That it is not bad, selfish, or wrong to be who you desire to be and have what you really desire to have.

I feel completely different after working with Colby. The old way of thinking about myself has completely disappeared. I have arrived at a whole new playing field. I have worked with many therapists over the years, never reaching the core of the issue. I use to give myself away to other people and put myself last. Not anymore! I have finally come home to myself. Finally.

Katherine Grace

Healer and Artist
Shreveport, LA

Feel better

In many cases, energetic codes that children receive from their parents help them know and feel that they are loved, wanted and safe, but sometimes these are missing.  By transmitting these codes into a client’s field, a client can gain a sense of safety.

A person may have subconscious beliefs that cause them to avoid knowing or pursuing what it is they want. They worry that they may be exposed to pain, danger and death. By replacing these beliefs with more resourceful ones, a client can regain their motivation.

Many due to trauma or neglect have learned to live outside of their bodies and keep their attention above their heads so that they can sense potential threats. These people lack a sense of presence, since their attention lives outside their bodies. The unexpressed feelings can cause blocks to their life force. Numbness, lack of self-knowing and awkward bursts of anger can be evidence of a system that is overfilled with unexpressed feelings.

getting unstuck
get unstuck

I finally feel safe. Finally can be in my body. I don’t expect or look for bad things. I am free!

Martin Casey

Denver, CO


Unfelt and unexpressed feelings of rage, grief, and shock can freeze ones system in their past. The “stuckness” can be a sign that your body is frozen in time, replaying the trauma in the background of your thoughts and feelings.

Through an intuitive process, clients are gently guided to zero in on that which they have forgotten.  They are invited to feel what they have suppressed in this life or another. Once the body releases stuck energy the life force can again run smoothly again. By processing the past, one untangles from it. What was once too scary at the time to feel and too daunting to express can finally be  let go of.

Some know what they are afraid to face off with.  Others don't. Having an intuitive help you to see what is in your blind spot as well as having a compassionate person with you on your journey can make the difference.

I’ve been seeking wellness for a long time and I have tried many modalities, but could not overcome a sense of being unworthy, sad and helpless. I felt that I had failed and did not deserve another chance. I had a session with Colby, and in one hour, Colby accomplished more than I had in years. Sometimes we need help, and for me, Colby is the best, with his gentle humor, kindness, and compassion…an open conduit for Grace.

Joe Clevenger

Consultant and Musician
Arlington, WA