Anxiety Sucks
Everyone feels anxious sometimes. There can be situations that bring up anxiety for people -- the stress of everyday living, losing a loved one, getting fired from a job, going through a divorce, etc.
These challenging situations can lead a person to feel sad, lonely, scared, nervous, or anxious. Negative feelings can be "normal" reactions to life's stressors, but there are those of us whose constant companion is anxiety.
Is peace possible?
1. Some individuals have anxiety that continues for days, weeks, or even months and years. For these folks, their general disposition is to be anxious. Therapists refer to this as an anxiety-mood disorder. For some of these people, overwhelming worry and fear are constant. People with an anxiety disorder can have obsessive thoughts, feelings of panic, trouble sleeping, heart palpitations, and cold or sweaty hands.
2. There are people whose personalities lean toward being anxious, nervous, and doubtful without their symptoms being severe enough to diagnoses. These people move in and out of anxiety without it threatening their overall sense of self and peace of mind. Scientists have not completely identified the cause of anxiety. Low serotonin levels, poor site receptor cells and a small hypothalamus have all been cited as potential causes.
When I look at the energetic field of an anxious person I see the problem is an accumulation of negative emotions and thoughts. Anxious people’s minds are quick. They think fast and there can be a “lack of space” between thoughts. This hyper-vigilant state does not allow the anxious person’s intuition to enter their consciousness in a measured way. They feel disconnected from themselves and others and at the effect of their projections. The anxious person wonders if they matter and if life will work out for them.
They worry and obsess about what to do next. The anxious person’s brain races and chatters, filling their energetic field with worry. Calm and a higher sense of knowing cannot get through the noise and chatter of the anxious person’s brain.
As a result, the physical body becomes overrun with toxic energy resulting in a lack of mental clarity and eventually physical aches, pain, and illness.
Many medical practitioners have told anxious people to slow their brain down by meditating, doing yoga and walking in the park. These practices are helpful, but sometimes the over-anxious person cannot get enough “ground” under them to execute these practice successfully. Trying to slow down a brain that has been left to run amok can be like slowing a scared horse at full gallop or trying to find a clean spot to have a five-course meal in a toxic dump.
The root
The root causes of a person’s anxiety can be varied. Finding an "exit" for the person’s “negative energy” to release can result in immediate relief. A brain setting in overdrive can be the result of a trauma or stress.
Deep-seated trauma can be released through expressive movements that unlock the body from habitual patterns. Teaching the energy body what safety feels like can result in dramatic shifts. Fears, anger and doubt can all be released as one lets go of the subconscious feelings of being attacked, targeted or unprotected.
Homework is given so that clients can learn to move their energy out of an unresourceful state.