Spiritual Healing and Your Will
As a Spiritual Healer using Theta Healing as my primary modality I see a lot of people who want an instant healing. Theta Healing is known for its miraculous, immediate impact to clear deep wounds and illness. In short clients and I are asking for a miracle: to let go of past resentment, heal physically, discover a long lost life purpose, etc.
I have witnessed miracles. I have seen people heal in a moment from profound dysfunction.
Then there are times where a healing takes place- energy comes in. The client can experience a huge release. Pain leaves their body, they may grunt and have a sense of a huge weight being lifted. It is miraculous and profound to experience. In these cases, it seems the client’s path to being healed is clear, but there is still work to do. The energy of their will needs to be exerted to complete their transformation.
In my experience their are two energies: the energy of will and the energy of surrender. Some people are more prone to exercising surrender and others their will.
Your will in involved in avoiding sugar, caffeine, alcohol, your X lover and building good life affirming practices like daily meditation. Surrender is involved in allowing God lead you, love you and think for you.
Consider, if you can exercise your will to relieve your own suffering. Is there something, some choice you can make that you have been putting off that will increase your satisfaction with life?
Exercise your will. God, I think likes people that helps themselves.
Colby Wilk, Spiritual Healer, Heal Through Spirit, Seattle, WA