Stop Being Who You Were
In this practice release other existences so you can take your place on the Earth as a human being. Let go of who you have been and discover the power that comes with accepting yourself as you are.
Read MoreA Muse? Yes, Inspiration!
Sometimes it can be challenging to find inspiration. You can welcome the beings, some call Muses, who can reconnect us with inspiration.
Read MoreHow You Can Find Your Purpose
Gain the support of your beings by acknowledging your hear’t desire. In this practice, Colby assists you to claim your purpose.
Read MoreHow to Connect with Your Soul
The more of our soul we have in our body the more full, connected and grounded we are. In this short practice experience more of the fullness of you. The result: more of you for you!
Read MoreHow Anger is Released
A woman would like to be less angry,. Issues that are below the surface resolve. Watch and learn how healing happens
Read MoreLet Go of What You Think You Want And Allow Abundance.
What do you when what you want seems out of your control? Colby shows how you can let go of what you really want to allow true abundance.
Read MoreStill Point: Find Your Self In Your Body
Discover peace in under 2 minutes by bringing your attention into your body. Colby shares this foundational practice to assist you being yourself into well-being by directing your psychic anatomy.
Read MoreClear Karma
Release yourself of the karma you have adopted that is keeping you stuck, limited and suffering. Colby walks you step-by-step through a simple process to reclaim your freedom, health and prosperity by relinquishing others karma you have adopted.
Read MoreFind your Temples and Relaxation
Welcome to the practice:Temples of Relaxation. Colby walks you step by step through a simple practice that allows you to enter into a profound state of relaxation in moments. Enjoy deep calm.
Read MoreLet Go of Who You Were
How do you let go of who you were? When we hold onto past lives unconsciously, as if they are a better incarnations, then this one, we live in regret. In this practice with Colby Wilk, Spiritual Healer and Guide release lifetimes and discover increased well being.
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