Heal your body
When you unlock the root causes of illness and dysfunction wellness is restored. Subconscious beliefs can be revealed and replaced with resourceful ones. Feelings can be felt and expressed. This process can shift one's consciousness and enable the body to move into improved wellness.
Feel to heal
As children, many of us were not encouraged to express our dissatisfaction. Sharing our anger, negativity and desire was unwelcomed. We were trained to take on a persona to get along, be liked, be accepted.
The complaining child may have learned to keep their discomfort to themselves to be liked. The child who was “over-emotional” may have learned to remove themselves from their feelings and focus on being a great accomplisher to win their parent’s approval. The child who did not experience unconditional love learned to entertain others to get validation and attention. These children removed themselves from their feelings and by doing so lost contact with a part of themselves.
The repressed feelings of regret, anger and resentment were neither completely felt, nor expressed, and so they stayed in the body -- causing blocks to the life force.
Return to your core
Through an intuitive process you are helped to discover what is keeping you stuck, unhealthy and unhappy.
Through specific physical exercises, you release stuck energy held below the surface. Some movements, when properly employed, can release deep seated emotions. Rage, negativity, and loss can finally be felt and let go of. As a result, health can be restored.